Judy Nelon presents Little Jan with a medal from the Gospel Music Hall of Fame

Little Jan thanks everyone on behalf of Wendy Bagwell (who passed away in 1996) and Jerri Morrison who stands with Little Jan in support.

The Sunliters together again!  Geraldine "Old Leather Lungs" Morrison and Little Jan Buckner!

Billy Ray Hearn, founder of Sparrow Records congratulates Little Jan!

Little Jan with fellow inductee, Dottie Rambo

Wendy Bagwell's daugther's Wendy & Rita, with Little Jan, Jerri Morrison and Little Jan's daugther, Roneice.

Three great ladies together!  Vestal Goodman, Dottie Rambo, and Little Jan Buckner!

Little Jan with Frank Breeden, 
President of the GMA.

Little Jan with fellow gospel singer, 
Lou Hidreth

Little Jan poses with friend Gary Chapman

Little Jan and daughter, Roneice, pose with 
George Beverly Shea.

Jesse Dixon takes a moment to pose with Little Jan.

Little Jan with Oak Ridge Boy, 
Bill Golden

Little Jan shares a laugh with Oak Ridge Boy, Joe Bonsall

Little Jan shares a moment with 
Vestal Goodman

Oak Ridge Boy Duane Allen & wife Nora Lee take a minute to pose with Little Jan

Oak Ridge Boy, Richard Sterban and Little Jan

Little Jan and the newest addition to the Gaither Vocal Band, Russ Taff

And, speaking of Gaithers, here is Mr. Bill Gaither, himself!

Main Photopage


All content at www.littlejanbuckner.com is the property of Little Jan Buckner and cannot be copied or stored in any format (past, present, or future) without the written permission of Little Jan Buckner.