Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine... Prolific hymnist Fanny
Crosby may have penned these familiar words, but no one sings them with
more passion than Homeland recording artist Little Jan Buckner.
From left to right: Terry Thompson, engineer; Little Jan; Robin Mew, bass; Kevin Williams, producer; Gary Prim, Keyboards; Bobby All, guitar | ![]() |
Says Williams of his involvement in the production
process, “I've always known Jan to be a multi-talented and versatile entertainer.
Working with her on this project gave me the opportunity to showcase all
that talent -- her singing, her songwriting, her ability to communicate
and her heart for ministry...”
A sampling of the songs chosen for this debut recording include the first single, “Down the Road,” a soulful new rendition of “Revive Us Again,” and “Walk Around Me Jesus” - a song first made popular by Little Jan during her years with Wendy Bagwell & the Sunliters.
Jan’s musical career began when she was selected
by Wendy Bagwell and Geraldine Morrison to complete the trio, Wendy Bagwell
& the Sunliters. Despite their humble beginnings in rural Georgia,
the group evolved into an internationally recognized ensemble, whose ministry
knew no boundaries of age, race, religion or creed. Much of their
success, which encompassed more than three decades and 100 recordings,
can be attributed to their solid commitment to spreading a message of hope
through Jesus Christ and proclaiming the Gospel through the ministry of
song and laughter.
Humor and storytelling were gifts for which
Wendy Bagwell became very well-known; an unexpected addition to the repertoire
of musical talents. The trio had agreed early in its career to go
through every door God opened for them -- no questions asked. It
was this policy that introduced the singers to a quaint little church in
Harlan, Kentucky, and, ultimately, to the inclusion of comedy in their
Unbeknownst to the group, snake handling was an integral part of the services at this house of worship, and the church leaders strongly encouraged Wendy to participate, as a demonstration of his faith. Wendy’s recollection of the episode includes the following quip, “If God told me to pick up a snake, I surely would... But He didn't, and I ain’t!” Out of this experience was born the platinum-selling monologue, “The Rattlesnake Story” and the platform from which an entirely new audience could be reached.
Friends and fans around the world were saddened
by Wendy’s sudden passing in 1996, but none more so than his singing partners
and devoted sidekicks Little Jan and Jerri. The loss of this dear
friend brought about mourning in both their personal and professional lives.
It was at this poignant crossroads that Jan and Jerri decided to pursue
their individual interests.
For Little Jan Buckner, the choice was clear -- she would continue singing. “God has given me a gift, and it is my responsibility, and great privilege, to give it back to Him,” says Jan. “My heart's desire is for my music to allow people to see Jesus involved in every area of their lives. He has walked with me through joy and sorrow, on the mountains and through the valleys -- places I would have never chosen to travel on my own. But in His joy I have found strength and in His presence I have been revived.”
REVIVED is the culmination of the events and experiences in Jan’s life over the past 3 years. It is with great confidence in her Lord Jesus Christ that she sings, This is my story, this is my song; praising my Savior all the day long...